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Tech Startup Job Search Insights Through The Lens of Bearhug’s GTM Search Practice
#36: (12/16/24) Early & Growth Stage Tech Startup Funding Recap!
Check out this week's venture capital investment summary ($264 million raised across 10 featured companies!) spanning early & growth-stage US based Environmental Technology & Enterprise Software startups, including: Terradot, WeaveGrid, Electrified Thermal, Albert Invent, Raptor Maps, Cofactr, Twelve Labs, Cartesia, Vapi and Prezent.
#32: (11/18/24) Early & Growth Stage Tech Startup Funding Recap!
Check out this week's venture capital investment summary ($257.3 million raised across 11 featured companies!) spanning early & growth-stage US based Environmental Technology & Enterprise Software startups, including: GeneralGalactic, Outbuild, VaultedDeep, SwiftConnect, Accelsius, Serenity, Zengines, 11x, ScaleOps, PointFive, and SocialCrowd.
#28: (10/21/24) Early & Growth Stage Tech Startup Funding Recap!
Check out this week's venture capital investment summary ($282.5 million raised across 11 featured companies!) spanning early & growth-stage US based Environmental Technology & Enterprise Software startups, including: Beacon AI, Solubag, Perry Weather, Kick, Agency AI, Equilibrium Energy, King Energy, Monogoto, Clerk Chat, Neuron7, and Decagon.
#20: (8/26/24) Early & Growth Stage Tech Startup Funding Recap!
Check out this week's venture capital investment summary ($281.08 million raised across 11 featured companies!) spanning early & growth-stage US based Environmental Technology & Enterprise Software startups, including: Trunk Tools, Allstacks, Power to Hydrogen, Fortera, Eppo, LIS Technologies, Opkey, Grid Status, AstroForge, BeyondMath, and Trace Machina.
#16: (7/29/24) Early & Growth Stage Tech Startup Funding Recap!
Check out this week's venture capital investment summary ($277.6 million raised across 14 featured companies!) spanning early & growth-stage US based Environmental Technology & Enterprise Software startups, including: Cowboy Clean Fuels, Star Catcher, Mytra, Micropep, Sojo Industries, Code Metal, TigerBeetle, DocketAI, Lakera, Splight, SirenOpt, Uplimit, Momentum, and rift.
#15: (7/22/24) Early & Growth Stage Tech Startup Funding Recap!
Check out this week's venture capital investment summary ($379.1 million raised across 17 featured companies!) spanning early & growth-stage US based Environmental Technology & Enterprise Software startups, including: Jacobi Robotics, Alvys, Halo Industries, Coast, Adaptive, Peak Energy, Earthshot Labs, Marathon Fusion, Heimdall Power, OnRamp, Thoughtful AI, Shaped, Exa, Momento, Vectara, aiXplain, and EdgeRunner AI.