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#15: (7/22/24) Early & Growth Stage Tech Startup Funding Recap!
Check out this week's venture capital investment summary ($379.1 million raised across 17 featured companies!) spanning early & growth-stage US based Environmental Technology & Enterprise Software startups, including: Jacobi Robotics, Alvys, Halo Industries, Coast, Adaptive, Peak Energy, Earthshot Labs, Marathon Fusion, Heimdall Power, OnRamp, Thoughtful AI, Shaped, Exa, Momento, Vectara, aiXplain, and EdgeRunner AI.
#10: (6/17/24) Early & Growth Stage Tech Startup Funding Recap!
Check out this week's venture capital investment summary ($246.9 million raised across 18 featured companies!) spanning early & growth-stage US based Environmental Technology & Enterprise Software startups, including: Viaduct, Anterior, Jump, Ship Angel, FirmPilot, OnStation, Whoosh, Aidentified, Canary Speech, ElectronX, CargoSense, Swift Solar, Learn To Win, Aepnus Technology, GPTZero, FUZE Technology, UNIGRID Battery, and Findigs.
#6: (5/20/24) Early & Growth Stage Tech Startup Funding Recap!
Check out this week's venture capital investment summary ($184.5 million raised across 10 featured companies!) spanning early & growth-stage US based Environmental Technology & Enterprise Software startups, including: Pepper, Ndustrial, Orange Charger, PayHOA, Laws of Motion, Bedrock Materials, Gamma, GoodShip, Voxel51, and AssetWatch.
#3: (4/29/24) Early & Growth Stage Tech Startup Funding Recap!
Check out this week's venture capital investment summary ($229 million raised across 17 featured companies!) spanning early & growth-stage US based Environmental Technology & Enterprise Software startups, including: Exowatt, Nominal, Campus, Prime Intellect, HighByte, Clarity Pediatrics, Auxa Health, Summer Health, Nooks, Chemix, Radical, Anon, Alaffia Health, Dripos, Sublime Security, Amplifier Security, and Dropzone AI.
#2: (4/22/24) Early & Growth Stage Tech Startup Funding Recap!
Check out this week's venture capital investment summary ($213.55 million raised across 11 featured companies!) spanning early & growth-stage US based Environmental Technology & Enterprise Software startups, including: Ecotrak, Kode Labs, Quilt, Take2 AI, AI Squared, NeuBird, Found Energy,, ClaimScore, Nectar, and Dataplor.